Due to low water we are no longer booking trips. We are hopeful to have more water and better trip quality in 2026.
The Lower Canyons Expedition
In our opinion, the Lower Canyons is one of the best wilderness river trips around, featuring high adventure, incredible remoteness, and unparalleled landscapes. Floating along 83 miles of the protected Rio Grande Wild & Scenic River, this stretch is noted for its outstanding geologic, recreational, and scenic values. Seven days is the minimum amount of time needed to navigate this section of river while also taking advantage of opportunities for adventure and exploration. The Lower Canyons contain several stretches of rapids, some of which require lining or portaging, all of which add to the high adventure of this trip. Frequently, we encounter no other people along this section and this unique isolation in the beauty of rugged wilderness makes the Lower Canyons a truly wild trip.